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Sick Little Boy -V1-
Our first "Little Stick Guy," drawn on the back of a napkin in a Chili's restaurant in '03.
Sick Little Girl
This is actually my wife. I was bothering her about going to the beer store while she was trying to get ready for bed. She came out of the bathroom, and this is what I got. I never did get the beer, at least not that night. High-Five!!
Your Girlfriend and Me
1993. Motel 6 Family Lodge Elevator, Dallas, Tx. You know who you are. I still have the pics.
We've all seen this happen, or worse yet, have had this happen. It's always funny from a distance though.
Grass Is Greener
There's just something about huge boobs. This type of behavior should be immediately forgiven. Unfortunately, it's not. Oh well, such is life.
Needs no explanation. Just a good time waiting to be had.
Bow Down
We all know this to be true.
Bring It On
Another one from the Motel 6 Family Lodge collection. Circa 93.
Devil Dude
I drew the original version of this at Coppell High School in 1989. I was forced to go to AE, Alternative Education, for being late to first period. Mr. Downey, then-principal, took this from me and tried to convince my mom that I was a full-fledged Satanist. That guy was a loon. Anyway here it is, wear with pride and enjoy.
I'm sorry. I watched Rambo: First Blood, and this t-shirt was the end result.
Blondes Have More Fun
Who out there doesn't agree? This is almost like a law or something. I have worked in various bars, restaurants, etc., over the years and the blondes always come out way, way ahead in tips. Ask any topless dancer about this, they will tell you the exact same thing, every night, every time.
Divide and Conquer
It's just that easy. I wore this to my local electronics superstore recently, and I couldn't get anyone to help me. I wore it to a bar later that night, and it was a different story entirely. Gotta love it!!
Do Art
I once worked with this little troll guy named Mark Glover selling fitness equipment, and one day he said this. Two weeks later I was wearing this shirt. When you're around really stupid people just be quiet and listen. Funny stuff always comes out, especially when they are beyond fucking dumb.
If you knew her, you would know this to be true. My wife told me a story about how one afternoon she was at her mom's house in the office on the computer. Her mom came home with her boyfriend Richard and took him into her bedroom where they proceeded to have extremely loud sex. The office and bedroom share a wall, and from the bed to where my wife was sitting is only about six feet. Furthermore, the grandkids were there, and the oldest one heard it as well. It only lasted a few minutes but still, very gross. This was only about five years ago. Not to mention everything I have seen and heard, first hand. A couple Mike's Hard Lemonades, a joint, and you're as good as laid.
Common Sense
I once had a boss who was a card-carrying member of Mensa. One day I saw him running around a parking lot in the rain trying to get better reception on his cell. I was the one on the phone with him and was standing on the sidewalk outside the restaurant under the awning, nice and dry. He quite literally did not have enough sense to come in out of the rain. I thought this saying fit the occasion perfectly. I still laugh every time I see this one. You know you can relate.
Sex Ed. 101
What every growing boy needs to know. Really, what else is there?
Sister and Girlfriend
This really happened, and yes, I got them both. What can I say, 18-25 were really good years for me.
Stock Market
This is always sound advice.
Hotel Room
Again, 18-25 were really good years for me. This line worked more often than not. I know it sounds funny, but if you had the balls to say this, you were guaranteed to get noticed. If one turned you down, you just moved on to the next. As long as I got an early start the odds were in my favor. Now you don't need to say it, just wear it. No thanks necessary, just my way of giving back. Happy Hunting...
Your Band Sucks
Being a musician I have had many people, friends, etc. ask me to come and watch their bands play, usually at some crappy little club with way overpriced drinks. Now when that happens, I wear this to the show. With all the white, it looks great under black lights. I promise, you will get noticed.
The Other White Meat
Just as God intended. Enough said.
Ever been on a porn shoot?
Not My Fault
I've wanted to say this so many times and was never able to get up the nerve. This would make a nice Christmas or B-day present for your special someone. 2xl makes for a great night shirt.
Sick Little Pubic Bone
If you've ever been with a really fit-chick, you know exactly what I mean.
Been There, Done That
True story. This all took place in the summer of 94. The dude was a prick and the look on his face when he found out was priceless. We all know what they say about payback.
Three Words
My wife and I know someone who has had this procedure done. She showed us the before pics as well as a live showing of the after. Who knew? I found the whole thing to be very interesting.
A Mother's Love
For all the mama's boys out there. We all know a few.
This one comes with 5 stickers . . . FREE!!!!!!
Bow Down
We all know this to be true.
Devil Dude
I drew the original version of this at Coppell High School in 1989. I was forced to go to AE, Alternative Education, for being late to first period. Mr. Downey, then-principal, took this from me and tried to convince my mom that I was a full-fledged Satanist. That guy was a loon. Anyway here it is, stick with pride and enjoy.
Bring It On
Another one from the Motel 6 Family Lodge collection. Circa 93.
Needs no explanation. Just a good time waiting to be had.
We've all seen this happen, or worse yet have had this happen. It's always funny from a distance though.
Sick Little Girl
This is actually my wife. I was bothering her about going to the beer store while she was trying to get ready for bed. She came out of the bathroom, and this is what I got. I never did get the beer, at least not that night. High-Five!!
Your Girlfriend and Me
1993. Motel 6 Family Lodge Elevator, Dallas Tx. You know who you are. I still have the pics.
Grass Is Greener
There's just something about huge boobs. This type of behavior should be immediately forgiven. Unfortunately, it's not. Oh well, such is life.
Buy 1 get 3 FREE!!!!!
Sick Little Boy -V1-
Our first "Little Stick Guy," drawn on the back of a napkin in a Chili's restaurant in 03.
Sad but true.
Read the description for the t-shirt of the same name.
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